The Grace Connection is central to who we are at Grace Christian Fellowship. Why? Because it’s within our Grace Connection groups that we dig-in and connect with God’s Word and that we hold-on and connect with each other.
And, we would sure love for you to join us! Our connection groups meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Make sure you come early to enjoy coffee and light breakfast yummies!
Our Grace Connection study groups are centered on the Word of God. Why? Because we believe the Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to us. It’s how we know His character, His attributes and His purpose for our lives.
Within every single page, God is revealing Himself and His plan. If we want to know God and to glorify Him, then it’s exactly where we should begin.
During our Grace Connection study groups, we are seeking to make much of God’s Word so that we know Him and are able to share Him with a world that desperately needs Him.
One of our favorite parts of our Grace Connection is that the studies are age-integrated. This means mom and dad are learning the same passage of Scripture as their children — or, grandma and granddad, for that matter!
When you drive home, sit around the dinner table, or have bedtime discussions, everyone will be able to talk about the same passage of Scripture and common Bible truths they learned during the Grace Connection. Even though each person will enjoy a class that is designed for their individual age and stage of learning, the family will be connected through age-integrated lessons.
Our Grace Connection study groups are where we connect with each other. It’s within this small group setting that we’re able to better know each other and, together, become more like Jesus in every area of our lives.
Jesus, Himself, created the first small group when He called his 12 disciples. He chose to love them and to pour His very life into a relationship with them. The Book of Acts gives us a glimpse of the early church and how those believers did life “together.”
It’s within our Grace Connection study groups where we grow together in God’s word and encourage each other in genuine, face-to-face, relationships with each other.
Our Curriculum

Our current Grace Connection study is The Gospel Project — a Christ-Centered, chronological Bible study for all ages.
What we love best about the Gospel Project is that it exists to point children, students and adults to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, starting in the Book of Genesis and going chronologically to the Book of Revelation, carefully showing God’s plan of redemption and how it unfolds throughout all of Scripture.